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Our bodies are designed and biologically adapted to ingest, digest and absorb nutrients from whole foods.
Avoid packaged and processed foods ... foods that come in containers. Try to make whole foods the main part of your diet.
Tip # 2: Buy locally grown food
Buying food that is locally grown allows for maximum freshness and knowledge about the source. It also
helps provide income to friends and neighbors while stimulating the local economy. The primary reason foods
are processed is to increase shelf life to allow centralized production, distribution and storage. Processing foods denatures their nutritional value and makes them difficult to digest, assimilate and eliminate.
Tip # 3 : Buy Organic when possible
Synthetic chemicals used in many farming practices are potentially harmful toxins. These chemicals store and accumulate in body tissues until they reach concentrations that reduce health, cause disease and even alter genetic function. This is the primary reason for many modern health disorders ranging from heart disease to cancer.
My recommendation is to start with Tip# 1 and progress from there. While few of us can eat the perfect diet, by following these few simple tips, one can improve their overall level of health and well being. If you have any questions about diet and your health, please feel free to drop me a line or call me with your concern.
On Food